Radix Community Council will start a series of Scrypto tips for the both experienced and inexperienced Scrypto devs who are out there, coding their dapps like a boss.

The Scrypto dev in the spotlight is a familiar face, Austin.

He got his degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University. His career was in Aerospace design working for L-3 Communications retrofitting aircraft for the US Airforce. He changed careers into real estate investment and management which is the area he is most involved in today. He also have a habit of building all kinds of things from metal fabrication, wood working, to building his own CNC machine. His biggest hobby/passion has turned into cryptocurrency since he got into the space in 2017. He has tried most all distributed ledgers and like to stay on top what kind of tech is out there. Naturally he progressed into development after finding Radix because he can see what kind of improvements Radix can offer over existing DLTs. He would like to one day build some crazy web3 DeFi stuff whether thats stablecoins, lending platforms, or bridging the gap between traditional real estate and crypto real estate tokenization.

''I was not a dev before a year ago. I had no experience. I just have been a long time Radix fan and decided to start doing Scrypto.''

Right now he is developing for the Bobby project as well as writting the scrypto for EmoteCare's platform.

Here are some tips from Austin to start your Scrypto journey right:

1) Always start with a bit of rust if you don’t have any development background. It is vital to understand how Rust works in order to understand how Scrypto works.

2) Be active in the developer channels and post questions in scrypto-rust beginners channel

3) Create a study group of friends that can hold each other accountable for covering materials each week

4) Take advantage of youtubers that teach rust courses

5) Keep an eye on the developer telegram channel for discussions on whats currently happening in the radix dev world

6)  Keep asking questions, there are lot of smart people in our community that would love to help if they know you need it.

7) Last but not least, JUST START!

If you have any questions, please contact Austin on Twitter.

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